12 Best Free WordPress Magazine Theme Collections

free theme magazine

It is best professional wordpress themes with slider that i have collected for more purpose of website company that you can choose which one are compatible with your business or personal. These themes design covered business site, interior design, photography, magazine and more.
Most bloggers want to give a magazine kind of look to their blogs, but its not easy to find a good magazine style WordPress theme. Magazine or news layout is very popular among bloggers. And if you want it for free then there will be more difficulties as normally free WordPress themes don’t have that quality. I am trying to help my fellow bloggers by collected some high quality free wordpress magazine themes in this post.

 1. Mobile Word Theme

free theme magazine


2. Fresh Blog Theme

best theme wordpress magazine


3. Magazeen Theme

professional theme magazine wordpress



4. New Slide Theme

magazine theme wordpress


5. Carolina Theme

best free wordpress theme



6. Fashion Press Theme

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7. Aaras Theme

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8. Zengi Theme


9. Hydrogezine Theme


10. WordPress Max Theme

best theme magazine


11. Games New Theme

best games theme wordpress


12. My Tech Theme



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